You have chosen Justice and the 9 of Cups. The Justice card deals with your relationships and partnerships within your life particularly in an emotional setting here for you have drawn the 9 of cups. This is a good card and a wish card. It's about developing your personal wishes and fulfilling them for yourself, realising that happiness comes from an investment to be content and to make an investment. you're someone that gets on with things for you are healthy and you're courageous enough to have a go a things. you've got enough wealth for your needs. A little bit more would be nice but you have a curiosity to want to learn a little bit more about life and it's knowledge. That's very good. you've got a very good healthy lifestyle and you'd like to find out more about who you are, this is a journey into self discovery but it's linked up with a relationship or a partnership that's to do with the ideology with what you think is right. you're being asked to be very fair and equal and to look at things in a way that is harmony and balance. You must make sure that you're both pulling together and that you're not just adopting a quiet life. You are with somebody who is like minded, whether it's professional or whether it's in a loving relationship but you need to get things onto an even situation. You adore the luxuries in life and you will always try to put other people before yourself. It's time now for you to make sure that things are fair and harmonious and you're being asked to look at things and to be reasonable and impartial. you've got to work out exactly what the favourable outcome would be for two of you. You know what you want but you've got to make sure that the other person hasn't been misrepresented and that there's no muddles or mix ups otherwise things will not be good. Clear the air, make sure that you communicate and try to make sure that you really are taking into account someone else. Sometimes you can seem to be a little bit bossy and sharp so it's important to make sure that you have asked the other person exactly what they want too.