You have chosen Justice and the King of Pentacles. Justice deals with relationships and partnerships. It's about the liberation and ideology we have within our working world for you have come up as a pentacle person, the King of Pentacles and this means that the law, order and balance must be with you at work. you're looking for equality and anything that is in balance and harmony suits you down to the ground. What is just is not necessarily fair and in your quest for balance you must be impartial and rational. You are someone that does very well financially but you like a lot of clutter in your life. you're hard to get close to, you have so many regards for financial security that you're quite materialistic. you're at the top of your field in your working world and your financially secure. If you're not there yet, you're about to be. You work hard to make things materialise and in most cases you have a kind of Midas touch. You know exactly how to make things work to a financial gain. you're very good at being in charge and indeed you should be the boss. If you're not running your own empire you're at the top when it comes to matters from other people. you must work slowly and in your own pace for the acquisition of permanent values and stable material structures. It may take time to formulate your goals and take direction. You do not like being pushed by anyone else, you proceed at your own speed for you know that self sufficiency makes it work just fine for you, and you have a pride in making something solid and lasting particularly if it's a contribution to society or your family. Traditional values are best for you right now. Go with the tried and tested and make sure that the balance between work and home life is a little better than it has been.