You have chosen Justice and the 4 of Swords. The 4 of Swords shows that you must have strength in reserve. It is time for you to take a break. You need your rest. This is a time to do nothing and to think about what you want for you need to recover from a situation that has drained you. You need some sanctuary right now and you need to belong with your thoughts. It's time to create a nice environment for yourself, where you can lay down and recover from the difficult times. This requires rest, stillness and recovery. No action is required right now, it is time to put things right in your mind and to get your thoughts into perspective. The Justice card is asking you to be fair, reasonable and balanced in your way of thinking for it deals with relationships and partnerships and talks about the ideology that you have for life and the way in which you live your world. You need balance and harmony between your working world and your private life. You need it to be equal and sometimes you get exhausted, because you do far too much to the extreme. you're asked to be impartial here and to be rational and to see that things are right for yourself and for the close people around you that matter. you're someone that has very high ideals and you have a rather magnificent view, of how you think life could be. You long for an ideal and perfect world, but unfortunately you're dreaming, because everything is doomed to frequent disappointments by the inconsistencies of human nature. This leads you to feel disappointed quite often, particularly by other people. You are someone that keeps fighting for your own allegiance and considering that others must be capable of coming up with the goods, but no relationship is ever capable of getting this uninterrupted harmony in which you think you can create. You need to compromise and to have more of a balance and to realise that it doesn't need to be so clinical and so orderly. What is 'just', may not be 'fair' so you may be unfair to other people by expecting and demanding these high principles and ideals to be followed through to your expectations. You become increasingly frustrated with yourself, let alone other people, so if you can't manage it, how do you expect other people to. So you're being asked to be rational, fair and impartial and to get a more balanced point of view so that you are not so exhausted and not losing friends left, right and centre.