You have chosen Justice and the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords explains there has been arguments, gossiping and people not getting along. These arguments are leading to a bit of a minefield. The mental abuse and unethical addiction to wanting to gossip and bully other people into a behaviour mode that they feel is appropriate. The Justice card is asking you to sort this arguments out and to get some sort of balance and fairness back in your life. What is 'just' may not necessarily be the same as what is 'fair' and you're being asked to be reasonable, impartial and quite fair about your judgement. You are someone who has an impossible idealistic longing for a perfect world, but you're always frequently exposed to disappointments because of the inconsistencies of other human beings. You fight for your personal needs and you think that the world can be such a brighter and more beautiful place, but no-one is capable of keeping up to your idealism. You provoke many battles yourself, for you hold such a high ideal's and you are so cool and tactful you expect everyone to be the same. but this just leads to much disharmony particularly when it deals with matters of friendship or matters of the heart. you're being asked to be more fair, reasonable and see the best interests of the situation for everyone including yourself. You must be fair and rational and use your best interests at heart. Look at things in balance and try to go with a new way of thinking, where you're more reasonable and balanced, instead of looking for such a high idealised way of perfection in a world that really doesn't exist and will only lead you to heartbreak for expecting it to do so. Just be fair, moralistic and ethical and expect other people to let you down from time to time, for not everyone has such high principals and just by the inconsistencies *of being a human nature* will frequently lead you to disappointment, of which you must accept and realise that people can get back on track and do only the best they can do.