You have chosen Justice and the 5 of Pentacles. Perhaps you've recently found yourself in a situation that was unjust or unfair particularly when it comes to your career or your job. Maybe you've recently faced unemployment or redundancy. This has made you feel that Justice has not been done but Justice is a two edged sword and you're being asked to look, not necessarily at what is fair and what is just, but to be reasonable and impartial. The feeling of poor me or that I am abandoned is not a good way to go, for it is making you feel resentful. You must look around you and be thankful for what you have. You have got some excellent friends who have truly shown their friendship to you, particularly when you've needed it. you've also found out that people who you perhaps called friends, were simply no more than colleagues, associates and the old hangers on are on their way out. It is a time for you to work out what matters in life, for the balance between your relationships and partnerships with other human beings is what is necessary right now. you're someone who has always strived to create a perfect world. You have such high ideals for yourself and yet sometimes you suffer for your principles. This means that you end up denying yourself of basic instincts and emotions and you're over critical of ordinary human failings. This means that you will always be dissatisfied with life. It's better that you try and achieve a more balanced, satisfying, diplomatic professionalism for you have a willingness to harmonise rather than antagonize, you are capable of being totally indecisive and sometimes not knowing your own mind. you're so easily influenced by the different views of other people that sometimes all you work on is winning the battle only to lose the war. What's necessary here is to make a strategy for some long term plan that shows your diplomatic skills. You have fantastic ideals and principles and you always deal with everything with courtesy and tact, but you must not get involved in behaviour that does not effect you just because you think it is fair or right. Life does not have to be a battle. What is necessary here is that you must be reasonable or impartial. Order will be restored and your circumstances will definitely improve. This may have a tricky effect on your monetary matters but you have some excellent friends. Try to be happy in your one to one affairs, and be as dutiful and detailed as you can be. All that slogging away, for all that time will eventually pay off. You just need to be a little bit more professional. Lift yourself out of feeling hard done by.