You have chosen Justice and the 8 of Swords. you're feeling restricted as if you are tied up with nowhere to go. Now you're a victim of your own circumstances here . You should have sorted out this matter when it was a minor problem, much earlier than this. Things have got out of hand by you choosing to ignore the situation. you're not seeing anything clearly right now and unfortunately the Justice card is suggesting that things are not going as well as they could be. things are getting out of hand. You really need to try and sort matters out. This needs you to look at all the components and fit the pieces together and see what the overall picture brings. You may have done this several times but you're only thinking, you're not actually taking any action yet. It's no good ploughing a load of things and doing nothing about it. The Justice card with the 8 of Swords does suggest there could be some problems when it comes to matters of law and order. Equality here may not be what you're going to get, for it seems that the two situations are mixed with some sort of legal wrangle which is not looking favourable for you right now. There may be quite a delay and Justice may not be the outcome that you get. If you're involved in this legal situation it will probably go against you or take a long time to sort itself out. Maybe this seems unfair but what is 'just' is not always 'fair'. This information is going against you. You did not sort things out early enough and if you've been acting in an untoward or dishonest way then you know the outcome from the situation will not be favourable. This situation needs you to realise the restrictions you've put upon yourself can be lifted, if you want to change your ways and your attitude, for this situation is coming to a head, which can be resolved providing you do not bury your head in the sand. You really need to look at what is fair and what is balanced and interpret that into actions and not just thoughts and you really need to make sure that you try to smooth things over with another person particularly if there's been a disagreement or an argument.