You have chosen Justice and the Ace of Wands. The Ace of Wands shows there's a new beginning associated with your work, usually to do with a couple of people, no more than three. It's a start of a new action, something you've not done before. It's a new offer, a new enterprise for you. It's slightly different to the norm. this has got a potential for big growth and it can go further than you anticipated. This is truly a good time for you, because the offer is fertile and has many layers to it. It's about time, because the Justice card is saying, it's only fair that you should have this opportunity. It's about equality and the fact that up to now, things have not really been fair for you. It's up to you now to be as reasonable and as fair about the situation as you can be. You need to be impartial and you need to remember that Justice carries a sword and that's two edged. What may be fair, may not be just and the opposite applies. Any decisions now that you make, must be made fairly and with your best interests at heart. If you have any legal dealings there should be a favourable outcome especially as this has been dragging on for some time. It's good now for your venture to think about a business partnership. Someone who would be steady and able to keep up with you, but to work in a separate field. The Justice card is linked to the star sign Libra which usually governs relationships. You need to make sure that your future handlings with all partnerships are dealt with in a way that is diplomatic, harmony and balance is necessary here. You will have particular success if you're striving to create an ideal world, your high ideals mean that you are fighting for the denial of basic instincts and emotions on behalf of people who cannot speak up for themselves. This is important to you because sometimes you become dissatisfied with life. This is because of your willingness to harmonise and become a diplomat and peacemaker rather than antagonise. However, your views are often deeply felt and they can be sharply defined, so fight something close to your heart and make sure it's a winner.