You have chosen Judgement and the 2 of Swords. The 2 of Swords links you to a partnership or a pair. You've been a bit negative and you've not been seeing things clearly. You've been hiding behind a bushel. You didn't know what to do, living on the edge, causing you to be indecisive. You are choosing not to see but you need to call a truce and you can easily take away the blindfold and see things as they really are. This is more mental than physical. The Judgement card explains that you are at a crossroads of life's choices and decisions. This is a big important decision time. It's a re-birth, a transformation of how you're leading you life. The changes to be made are based on the past of the future, towards a much better lifestyle but you've got to revalue and look back at what you've done for you've got to go with the experience and knowledge that you've brought about through the past for the future. If you like, it's a wakey wakey call from your guardian angels. They're asking you to blow the dust away and to get on with it. You're off to do your own thing at last. It's a wake up call to stop being so serious with life. It's because you've reached the stage that you're ending a chapter and this can be with everything or just a part of you but this chapter is over and it's time to do something new. Something exciting. But before you do it you must look back and thing about what's happened and how you've got to here. You understanding the satisfaction of knowing you did everything you could with your best intentions at the time, and there were struggles and you suffered but you did the best you could. You really need to prepare for a complete change of direction, for a total transformation of maybe your image, identity, and indeed in the way that you're living your life is on the cards for the past is no longer productive and you need now to look at the positive and realise that everything else is out of date and it's time for a complete change. You're being offered the chance to make these changes of your own accord. It is realising now that it is time to let go and move on. This can be overwhelming but the experience is exciting and you are moving on through honesty and through an image of wisdom of how to survive in the face of change.