You have chosen Judgement and the 2 of Pentacles. The 2 of Pentacles shows that you are juggling everything especially when it comes to finances. You're finding yourself robbing Peter to pay Paul and splitting yourself into too many components. Maybe you've got more than one job and you know that things are getting a little chaotic. It's time for you to look at maybe the chance to go for a transfer at work or a new job offer. The Judgement card is telling you it's time to look at your life. You're at a crossroads and you've got to make some decisions based on your spending. These big important decisions to be made are all about your finances. Now you've got to make some changes that are based on the past for your future. The Judgement card is going to help you go from much better lifestyle and the changes are for the better. This is because you have experience and knowledge that has been brought about by your circumstances. It's time to revalue and look back at what you've done. It's time to go flying ahead and looking at the ways in which you can bring about a complete change of attitude particularly when it comes to monetary matters. Usually it's not to do with not having enough money, it's about how you spend it. You must make a comprehensive list so that you stick to it and work out exactly your bank balance, your accounts and your spending. You can certainly make progress but not unless you change. It's the end of this chapter, out with the old, everything about it is stagnant. You are now free to start again. It's better than you make your changes of your own free will rather than finding some finance company making you do so. It's time to let go of your old spending ways and move on. This will help you survive in the face of the crisis that you are finding yourself in for it is simply a matter of being much more organised when it comes to finances and taking matters on board and realising that you must economise and cut back on little luxuries that you felt in the past that you truly deserved. Looking at the worry and the discontentment it's caused you, it really is not worth it so it's time to show people how organised you can be and start looking after your security and your material well-being. Don't look to blame anybody or feel that you are being victimised and other people are doing better than you. You need a practical approach, this will ensure your success so you've just got to keep a track of your spending. Go through your statements, accounts, bills and invoices and if you need some professional help, make sure you seek advice.