You have chosen Judgement and the 3 of Wands. Judgement tells us that you are using the collective power to bring about a change of attitude that is irreversible. For Judgement is ruled by the Planet Pluto which deals with the life choices and decisions we must make where we reach a crossroads and must make a decision. It's about re-birth and making important decisions. These changes are for the better but they're based on the past for your future. It's based on your experience and knowledge that you've brought about towards a much better lifestyle. You must evaluate and look back at what you've done and realise that things are now out of date. The wings of flight and businesses are merging for 3 of Wands is a creation and happening card to do with business, your career or your job. It is the creation of a partnership that deals with financial business transactions. Doing financial business transactions is what you do best. It is a very productive time, particularly if you are in the business of stock trading or exchanging. Anything that is going on journeys over land whether it is you, your stock or your business will do very best right now. This is a time for you to think where you are going with your business and to look at maybe enterprising and experimenting further a field. Look at the way you have behaved in business in the past or to do with matters of your job. It is a wakey wakey time to say look, you need to change the chapter, you need to relaise it's time for more and different changes. it is certainly something that is going to affect your whole world. It is complex and sometimes difficult to go through transformation but look at the old patterns of your life and look at your behaviour. Eliminate everything that has reached it's self purpose. It is time for all change. Look at your business, look at your image, look at your identity. Look at the way you live your life. You may be even experimenting with journeys over land that could lead to a complete change of life. It's almost like you've been asked what you would like to do and start again. For your struggling and suffering has led you to be knowledgeable and experienced which means you can pick and choose more carefully. It is time to overcome all the obstacles and to let go of the past. You're going through total transformation. Look at the way you have developed and become a person whose experience and professional and base this creation, your career on what you have learned.