You have chosen Judgement and the 10 of Wands. The Judgement card is ruled by the planet Pluto which is a collective power that brings about a change of attitude in your life that is irreversible. It means you're at a crossroads and you've got to make some choices and decisions about your life. These big, important decisions you have to make are changes for the better that are based on the past for your future. It's like a rebirth for a much better lifestyle but based on the experience and knowledge that you have brought about through living your life. It's time to revalue and look back at what you've done. It is a time for someone to rescue you the 10 of Wands shows that you have for a long time been carrying the complete burden and you've not been able to see the woods for the trees because you've been too proud and independent to ask for any help you've carried the burden alone and this has been too much for one person alone and you need to go back and delegate. This crossroad is asking you to look at the back problems, the physical ill health you've suffered, the way you feel worn out all the time, the fact that you always feel burnt out and knowing now that you must rest. If you are at an age where you can consider retirement, this is an excellent thing for everything comes to an end. You're being asked to look at a new chapter in life. If you're not of retirement age you are still being asked to transform you life and make some complete changes. You must not cling to past behaviour or old patterns particularly when it comes to matters of your career or work. You've been given a second chance here and you need to take the changes of your own accord. If you don't matters will be taken out of your hands and then you'll have to accept the changes. it's time for a total transformation. Look at your work, look at your strategy, look at your tactics. You've got to change everything about yourself, your image, your identity and the way you've been living your life. Just because it worked for you once upon a time doesn't mean you can keep going like this. It's no longer productive or positive and it's certainly no longer viable. Everything has a shelf life, this is time to say goodbye to the old and in with the new. If you are wanting to take on a new job or enterprise or look for complete rest now is the time to do so. Maybe you can consider working part time or maybe you could consider doing something that is less physical that what you've been doing. Either way the Judgement card will force you. It would be better if you helped it along and came up with the changes and decisions. It would be for the better just don't be scared and cling to the past just because it worked once upon a time, doesn't mean it will any more.