You have chosen Judgement and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords shows there has been plenty of mental exhaustion around you. You've been humiliated. You feel betrayed and let down by a group of people who you felt would not do this to you. There is nothing physical in your loss. You felt as if you've been stabbed in the back. This was to do with humiliation, embarrassment, and lack of support from people around you. The Judgement card is here to help you for it deals with the crossroads of life's choices and decisions. This is to do with the change of attitude that is irreversible. There are big, important decisions to make. These changes are for the better but they're based on your past towards your future to a much better lifestyle of experience and knowledge that you have brought about. You are re-valuing and looking back at what you've done, satisfied that you did the best you could and there were some struggles and some sacrifices. You know that you did the best you could at the time, you must pat yourself on the back and say this is a new chapter and you are wiser and experienced and more spiritual in what you're doing. you're off now to do your own thing at last. This is a wake up call to ask you to stop being so serious with life and to see that life is full of joy, harmony and laughter. This is time for a complete re-think. A total transformation may be necessary. You can now change your image, your identity and the way in which you're leading your life for a new chapter is here. You've now worked out that the past is no longer of any use and it is not necessary to stay there. There will be lots of complex and complete changes so it's time to be ready for new behaviour and a total transformation. It's about eliminating everything from your past that's outlived it's purpose.