You have chosen Judgement and the 6 of Wands. The Judgement card is ruled by the Planet Pluto which deals with life and its changes and its decisions. You're at a crossroads right now for Pluto is about the change and bringing about of attitudes that is irreversible. These changes are for the better, based on the past for your future towards a much better lifestyle. The experience and knowledge that has been brought about through your hard work. It's time to revalue and look back at what you've done. This is a time to blow away the cobwebs and to make some important choices and decisions. You are on your way to a victory for the 6 of Wands shows that you are continuing success. There is more good news coming your way to do with matters of work or travel. You've achieved multiple successes and if you've applied for a post of application you are certainly going to succeed for this is a time of promotion or a complete change of direction with your career. If you have sat exams, degrees, diplomas, anything like that, you are certainly on your way to success for there are letters of congratulation on the way to you. It is time for promotion, all change, a complete transformation. In life we cannot progress without change. It is time to get rid of the old and stagnant so that you are free to build something new. Most people are frightened of change because of their security. This is what makes us cling to the past but Pluto is a kind of fate. It is time to let go of the old and move on. You have learned to survive in the face of crisis and you've discovered the real resources within yourself. You need to get ready for a total transformation in your life, change of image, identity, and the way that you live your life. What has worked for you in the past is no longer productive or viable. It's time to close the chapter and move on particularly to do with career or matters of work. Before you move on it is important to look back and to think with satisfaction that you have learnt and experienced much and that you should be proud of yourself. It may have been a struggle, it may be difficult to face the winds of change but if you're honest you know deep in your heart that it is time for a complete overhaul. The changes you invest right now will bring any rewards to do with travel or your work.