You have chosen Judgement and the 6 of Pentacles. You are at a crossroads of life's choices and decisions. It's time for you to make some important decisions. These changes that you must make will be for the better. They are based on the past for the future and they are offering you a much better lifestyle. This is backed up by the experience and knowledge that you have brought about. It is time to revalue and look back at what you've done. This is time for you to realise that there must be a massive change of attitude, one that is so solid that it's irreversible and this is all for your better. This is linked to the 6 of Pentacles, which is the help that is coming from other people. Money has certainly been going out quicker than it's been coming in. It's been quite a humbling experience but you've learnt a lot and what was once demoralising or demeaning has become something you've become very used to. You are able to help others because you have been on the receiving end of needing help. It is certainly a time for you to realise you have quite a talent for organising certain things to do with welfare and charity. You are someone who is very good at fundraising. You realise that clinging on to the past or holding on to old patterns of behaviour are useless and you are offered a chance to start again but you are now able to show others how you made those changes. it really is a time for total transformation. You've got to look at what you could offer to others. This includes your image, and your identity. You can show others that by hard work and renewing your efforts, you can turn a very difficult set of circumstances around to something that's extremely positive and your probably somebody that likes the simple things in life. You've worked out that these pleasures can come from community concerns or just being neighbourly. There's something in you that has a talent for organising these kinds of things whether it's to do with conservation or improving your neighbourhood. It's about getting involved in campaigns or ecological causes - anything that can appeal to you so it's time to make sure that you do the organising. This is your opportunity to feel that you are doing something very worthwhile that comes naturally and easy to you. You'll also realise that you are probably one of the leaders rather than the followers and as soon as you get involved other people are happy to take responsibility and to lend a helping hand bringing about a common factor of community where everyone feels that they're involved.