You have chosen Judgement and the 6 of Cups. The 6 of Cups shows you're feeling emotional and nostalgic for the past. you're probably re-visiting some times in your mind that is to do with your childhood or when you were younger. Maybe you're thinking about people, places, family that have gone and people that you miss. This is a time for reminiscing. It's a card of nostalgia, memories from the past. This may be a time for you to reconcile any differences with people in your present or even searching back and getting in touch with people from the past. The Judgement card is telling you that Pluto is having an influence on your life. This is about bringing about a complete change of attitude, one that's irreversible. You're going into a new way of thinking because it's a collective power that's at force here. You are looking at going through a crossroads of life choices and decisions and you can chose any direction you want to go in, you just have to make sure you chose one. It's a chance to have a big important decision and make it and influence it yourself. It's about re-birthing and trying to do what you want. These changes are going to be based on the past for your future and you're having a much better lifestyle because you have input and choice and influence over what you want. This is backed up by experience and knowledge that you've brought about. You need to remember what you've done in the past and know that you did the best that you can and base now what you're doing from the past, learning those lessons so that you're happy with life and not just accepting what it dishes out. This is a wakey wakey call from your guardian angel telling you to blow the dust off yourself, stop being so serious with life and go off and do your own thing at last where your happiness is more important than anything else. It's time to enjoy life and to make sure that you do the things that you feel are important with the people you would like to be with. Don't put up with people you don't want to be around - go off and enjoy life. It is after all - your life.