You have chosen Judgement and the 7 of Wands. The Judgement card is ruled by the planet Pluto and it shows that you're at a crossroad of life's choices and decisions. You're about to go through a complete re-think for this is about a new way of thinking. The Judgement card brings about a change in your attitude that's irreversible and it shows that there's a collective power around you that's helping to influence this. It's time for a re-birth, a chance to look at your own life and go off and do your own thing at last. This is a wake up call for you to stop being so serious with life. There's some big, important decisions for you to make and these changes are based on the past for your future. It's towards a much better lifestyle and it's linking up with your actions. It's time now for you to realise you're in a position of advantage and that you're in a position to defend yourself for you're on higher ground. You're on top of nearly every situation when it comes to matters of action and work. You're in a privileged position, very positive indeed. You're someone that always knows what's going to happen ahead and you defend yourself easily because you keep your plans to yourself and like a little spy you are one step ahead. You know how to play it safe and keep your information to yourself. You don't let other people know what your plans are but you've got many strategies to get towards your goal. Now is the time for you to look at this experience and knowledge and to look at how you're going to change your world for the better for its got anything to do with businesses it's off to a flying start for the wings of flight of your business are perfect. It's a complex time and complete change may be necessary. You may need to change your image, identity, the way you think, but you're being given a chance to change things of your own accord. Make sure that you take the maximum opportunity form this progress and don't stand in it's way for you now need to make sure that you run as fast as possible and get everything you want out of the direction you want your life to take. Don't stand back, make sure you get on with it. This is an excellent time and you are in a good place, only if you work with it.