You have chose Judgement and the 7 of Pentacles. This is a time for you to realise that there are massive changes happening when your changing attitude will bring about some very big decisions that are based upon your finances. You are at a crossroads of life, having to make a choice or a decision. This is because the Judgement card works in conjunction with the planet Pluto. This is all about bringing about a change of attitude that is irreversible. These big important decisions to be made are based on the past for the future towards a much better lifestyle. It's based on the experience and knowledge that you have brought about where you have re-valued and looked back at what you've done. This is also a card of the businesses merging and flying. The 7 of Pentacles is explaining that you must take a risk. Up to now you've been feeling a little bit fed up and perhaps you're wanting to give up but you must invest somewhere else. Now we know you've had to work hard for your money but its time for you to look at how your money can work for you. Only invest a tiny amount, nothing more than you can afford to lose and stay with the rest of what you've got. This is all about financial opportunities and transactions. You've got to look at ways of making your money work for you. This is a total transformation for you. It's time to let go of the old patterns of behaviour and realise that you're being offered a chance to change things of your own accord. This is definitely to do with every part of your life but particularly because you have drawn the 7 of Pentacles, it explains taking a financial risk with your security. You've got to have the satisfaction of knowing that you did the best you could and that you are prepared to struggle and suffer just a little in order to be ahead of the game. You've got to try and increase your sense of security and investigate all ways in which your money can work for you. This can be savings schemes, investments and ambitious business enterprise. Even if at first it does not work out you must continue to have dealings and opportunities and keep investigating ways of strengthening your sense of security.