You have chosen Judgement and the Queen of Wands. The Judgement card tells you that things are going to change for it's a crossroad of life's choices and decisions. This is about a collective power that's going to bring about a change of attitude and this is going to be irreversible. There are some very big, important decisions to make that's based on the past towards your future. You are off to a better lifestyle. This is based on the experience and knowledge that you've brought about by living your life. It's time to revalue and look back at what you've done and pat yourself on the back for some of it was difficult. If you like this is a wake up card. It's telling you to get on with life and stop being so serious. This is your time and your off to do your own thing at last. You are someone who is loving and kind and you're very trustworthy. You should be as outgoing as possible right now for adventure is what you're lacking. You need to be on the move all the time, try to be as enterprising with everything that comes your way as possible. it's the end of a chapter of life and the start of something new. You need to think about it thoroughly so it's time for a total transformation of your image and the way you live your life. You've got to realise that clinging to the past is no longer productive and you're being offered a chance to start again. You need to chose wisely. Try not to get in the way of any changes that may be coming your way for you can chose the road in which you travel. The Judgement card is linked to Pluto. This is also about change and life needs to progress through change. Sometimes it's difficult but you really do need to look at things as if this is a card of fate. You can decide now what you would like for you instead of having to think about everybody. You are someone who wants to do so much, don't talk about it - do it. Look at anything you have an interest in and try to develop it into a hobby for action and outdoors is what its all about. The more you're moving towards your goal the better your life will be for happiness is coming your way, just chose carefully so that you get the maximum results form your choice.