You have chosen Judgement and the Queen of Pentacles. Judgement card is all about a crossroad of life's choices and decisions. Its about a rebirth where you have to change and transform. You'll have a huge change of attitude and this will be irreversible. There's some big and important decisions to make right now and these changes will be based on your past towards your future. This brings about a much better lifestyle for you've now got knowledge and experience. It's time to revalue and look back and see that things have outlived their usefulness. You're now off to do your own thing at last but which way do you turn. You're being asked to stop being so serious about life and to start enjoying what you want to do. It would work best for you to transform your material environment by putting right the wrongs that have happened. You certainly work hard particularly when it comes to your health and matters of environment. It's time to realise that you must be financially successful and you must nurture your position. You need control and organisation in what you do. The Queen of Pentacles signifies wealth, health and abundance. You will be financially secure. You're too organised not to be. You like nice things, and you pay a lot of attention to detail. You're highly materialistic and you love surrounding yourself with the pleasures and attributes that you've earned through your self sufficiency but it's time for a total transformation in what you do. Don't cling to anything that's out of date, it's time now to go the whole way and go for a big transformation. This is to do with you, your image, your identity and the way you live your life, anything that is to do with your stability needs a complete update. You are quite outgoing and you need to keep moving. Things that run stagnant will make you feel ill. It's important that you're always on the move for you're someone that's got so much physical creativity that it's a skill so invest this wisely and enjoy what you're doing particularly if it's a hobby.