You have chosen Judgement and the 9 of Swords. The 9 of Swords shows that you are someone that always worried. You're afraid of nearly everything and anything. Worry, worry, worry. Sleepless nights, no rest, mental exhaustion and fearing the result. You lacked confidence and you had a fear of life. You've now realised you've had enough and the judgement card is here to show you that you can steer life into happier times. The Judgement card is ruled by the Planet Pluto which is about a new thing that's happening to you. It's a collective power that brings about a change in your attitude and this is irreversible. You've realised life is a crossroad, it's all about choices and decisions. You're now going through total transformation. You're having a rethink, there's big important decisions to be made. Now the changes you make will be based on your past for your future towards a much better lifestyle. This is brought about by the experience and knowledge that you have gained. You've learnt a lot and you're looking back and realising that you did the best you could at the time and that you're now feeling much better and stronger. You've suffered. You've had sacrifice and you've realised it's time to have some fun. You're off to do your own thing at last and to enjoy it. This was a massive wake up call, asking you to stop being so serious with life for serious things happen to serious people. Your change of attitude is a complete re-think. you're transforming yourself, your image, your identity for you realise the past was no longer productive and was not helping you at all and you've had a rethink and realised that it's time to take some control particularly to do with the way you think. By changing your thinking, your emotional life changed, then you went into action, now your plans are coming to fruition.