You have chosen Judgement and the 9 of Cups. The Judgement card is ruled by the Planet Pluto which is about a new generation and you're being asked to use a collective power to bring about a complete change of attitude that's going to be irreversible. You're at the crossroads of life, making choices and decisions. There's re-birth taking place. It's time to think that you have got time for you and these big important decisions need to be made. There are changes coming into your life based on the past for your future. A much better lifestyle is on it's way to you because you have experience and knowledge that has been brought about through life. You can now re-evaluate and look back at what you've done in a positive approach and realise that you have learnt a lot and experienced a lot and that you have made decisions based on integrity or the fact that you did the best you could in difficult circumstances. The crisis that you had and difficulties you encountered have made you the person you are today. You are now able to value life totally differently. You have chosen very, very well because you have chosen to look after yourself. The 9 of Cups tells us that this is a good card and that your wishes will be fulfilled. You are happy and content and you realise that you are healthy and wealthy enough for your own needs. Obviously we'd all love more, but you are keen to have a healthy lifestyle and tend to look after yourself. There is a curiosity to want to know a little bit more about life and you are curious to find out what's around the corner so investigate as much as you like but go in with an open mind and go into as many new ventures as you possibly can because you are willingly making the changes and happy to accept them you will find that you go through this transformation period quite smoothly and that you will make a success out of your decisions because you are happy to change. When people resist it becomes a bumpier ride. You are going along with the smoothest momentum, gathering more and more happiness because the 9 of Cups is about emotional fulfilment.