You have chosen Judgement and the 4 of Wands. Judgement is about a change of attitude that is irreversible. you're going to a crossroads of life's choices and decisions. It's a chance for a re-birth. Time to make some big, important decisions. This is linked to the 4 of Wands which is all about the environment in which you live and the environment that you work in. it is your material security, the home card, a house card. It's a very positive time. What's called for here is a look where you live and how you live. The dwelling the property in which you live is certainly in need of transformation. You must decide whether or not this means a total move or a total makeover. You must change and develop and reflect within your surroundings and environment in which you live how much you have changed. You've become much more experienced and knowledgeable and it is like a total memamophis and trnasformation is happening within your whole life. The major effects are around your home and where you live. If you are thinking of investing in property this is the time to go for it for the Judgement card is giving you a chance to completely change your thinking and attitude to life. It may be to do with a complete move, whether you upgrade, down grade or whether you move to the countryside or the city or whether you chose to go for retirement. If a move is out of the question then you're certainly being asked to look at where you live and to realise that it is certainly in need of transforamtion. This changes will be based on the past for your future towards a much better life style. The experience and knowledge that you've learnt must now be re-valued. You must look back at what you have done. It is time to get on with it. It is the end of a chapter, the start of something new, the start of something better. It is time now to review the past and get rid of the clinging, old patterns of behaviour. It is total transformation of your image, identity and the way that you live your life because it is all out of date. It has outlived it's usefulness. This is a time for you to make the changes and decisions that will lead to the path of progress. It is important to go with the flow for it you stand in the way of change, change will be brought about so matters will be taken out of your hands. All change is important and as we said, the judgement card is basing this on a change that is towards a better lifestyle for a better future.