You have chosen Judgement and the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords deals with arguments and people who are gossips and not really vibrating on the same frequency as you are. These people are unethical, they're not friends. They are people that have been productive in your past and are now no longer any good for you for your future. It's out of date. This chapter's over and you need to move on for this is unethical for you to stay within these circumstances. You cannot stand in the way of change for the Judgement card is here for you to get on with a better lifestyle. You're being asked to leave behind a group of friends or colleagues or even work associates for the Judgement card is asking you to bring about a change of attitude that's irreversible. ou're at a crossroads of life's choices and decisions. This is time for a big important decision, you must make it. The changes to be made are based on the past for your future towards a much better lifestyle. This is brought about by experience and knowledge that you've gained. You must re-value and look back at what you've done and work out how you got from there to where you are now. It's time for a new chapter and you're being asked to blow off the dust and start again. You're off to do your own thing at last. This is a wake up call for you to stop being too serious with life and to realise that a change of attitude is total necessary. It's time for a rebirth, a total transformation of your image and identity and the way in which you've been conducting your life. These changes are brought about for your better, you must realise now that it is the end of a chapter and that you must start again. It's time to have some fun to go and do what you want to do at last and to enjoy yourself with like minded people and to vibrate on a frequency that's more spiritual and less materialistic. Materialism is important, you've realised that, it's energy and you need that but you now need to enjoy life for the simple humble pleasure that is has to bring and the happiness of knowing who you are and being successful as an individual.