You have chosen the death card and the 2 of Wands. The death card shows that everything is about to change. This can make people uncomfortable, especially if they're not familiar with the death card. I'd just like to point out that the death card never means the death of the future or a physical death, just the death of an old self, a part of your behaviour is changing and is transforming into something new. This is a card of very big changes and life changing events, that are linked to a partnership, particularly if it is a working partnership. This business partnership or working relationship is a gappy relationship and there is distance between the two parties involved this can be a lonely partnership which means you're paying the price for success. You're contemplating the future and wondering what shall I do but the death card is here to tell you - all change - and if you know that things have been pretty miserable for a while you know that it comes as no surprise that you're relationship with work needs to move forwards. The options open to you mean that you can contemplate to take this matter further and expand the business. It looks here as if you can. You need to feel great intensity, particularly for your work, you must be passionate about it. Anything to do with you is intensely felt but within your work you have a deep fear of being controlled by others and this can create an inner tension within you. You sometimes have a taste for the dramatic and you need constant stimulation. Your experiences need to be rich and colourful. You have fantastic intensity and wonderful determination to see a project come through, please consider expansion or moving into something you feel more passionately about. It doesn't matter what it is you do as long as you do it with feeling and love, the bonus is you will get paid for it and keep a roof over your head but if you are passionate and trust and believe that what you're doing is right for you then you must think of growing because the capabilities you have are amazing but unless it stimulates you do not waste your time developing a business that means nothing to you if your intention is just to make money. It must be felt from the heart for you. Anything you care about, you will succeed in, more than your wildest dreams can imagine.