You have chosen the Death card and the 2 of Swords. It is important that you realise that the Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. It is part of you that is changing and it's symbolises moving forwards and transforming so very big changes and life changing events are happening to you. All change is necessary for your transformation into a new way of adopting the way you live your life but you're finding it a little bit difficult for you're being quite negative and your choosing not to see the positive here. Don't be indecisive - you know what you want but you're acting like you don't. don't live on the edge and put yourself into a situation where you are not looking at where you're going. Take the blindfold off. You can easily see what's coming here. you're just choosing not to look at the positives for you are realising that some sort of sacrifices and bumpy burdens may be coming with the changes that are in store for you. You need to call a truce. Do you really want to be stuck at where you are now. Do you want to move into the future. By moving into the future, you have to let go of old habits and you have to move on and go through the changes and know they can be unsettling and not plain sailing. It's about cutting all your losses and starting again, completely clearing everything up and being honest with yourself and saying you know this has been necessary for some time. Don't cling to the past and all that's outdated, it's no longer productive and it's no longer relevant. It would be good now for you to feel connected with who you are and realise that you're making an emotional commitment to yourself. It's nothing to do with the material goals here. you're very sensitive and you're now being allowed the privacy and freedom to move towards your goals without any pressure or interference from your old way of thinking or from the people around you.