you have chosen the death card and the 2 of Pentacles. Do not worry, the death card never shows a death of the future, or of the physical self - it is the death of an old habit or part of yourself that is changing. The 2 of Pentacles is what needs to change. You are juggling your finances and sailing very close to financial ruin. You are robbing Peter to pay Paul and you are struggling trying to keep things going. Perhaps you've even had to take on another job to make ends meet. You know that things have been tricky but you still don't seem to learn. A new job offer could come up for you or an internal transfer at work. It's time for you to completely change, and the death card is trying to show you how. This is a big change for you - your circumstances have been 'iffy' for some time and you cannot keep that amount of energy worrying and coping and juggling so at last you're in a practical, matter of fact frame of mind and you've now got to view life from a very sensible viewpoint it's a practical approach that's necessary so you've got to get down to earth in your attitude. By doing so you will increase your income and your strength in your material security. Up to now you've felt very narrow minded and you've clung on to old habits because you were scared to face up to the future. It time to be practical. You've got to communicate to those people who can help you, particularly if you feel you need professional help. You're clever and you're capable so it's time to review the whole new you and look after your material world. You've got to go through everything from bills, statements, accounts, everything and not get depressed about your obligations - you can't escape them. You've got to be diligent and detailed. Try to show people how responsible and reliable you can be when it comes to monetary matters. Go on a big economy drive. You know you've been working hard, there's still more hard work to be done. Once you're sorted out, you've got some choices which is what you've really wanted so it's time to cut your losses and clear the decks and start all over again. If you're honest you know this has been necessary for a long, long time. Don't cling to the past, look towards the future and watch your step when it comes to money. Remember there's always need for cash on rainy days, something that you've never looked out for, but that's the old you. The new you is organised, dutiful and diligent and facing a total transformation. You can do it.