You have chosen the Death card and the 2 of Cups. Do not be alarmed, the Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. It's simply the Death of an old self. This is the time of big changes and this is probably to do with emotions of the heart. You are probably in a loving relationship. It looks like there's a happy couple around you and that could be you, there's a nice blend of harmony within the relationship but possibly the two of you are going through some major changes. these major changes may be a little bit painful because you've become quite comfortable with the way you were but if you're honest with yourselves you know this is long overdue and it's time for a change and a rethink of how you view your whole situation and where you're going to go together. It's time to cut your losses and start again and you can't kid yourself that things are hunky dory when they're not. It is time to go forwards and to have some things that you feel deeply about where you put yourself a goal that you can reach. The changes must come from the heart and the emotions that you usually feel are usually secretive. It is time now to be daring, let out these powerful passions that you are feeling. Relationships are truly hard work and need constant stimulation, planning and strategies to keep them healthy and happy. The trouble is with you two, you haven't been going down the same paths. One has been pulling in a certain direction and the other one is just taking things for granted. Work out where you part is in all of this. Once you get together and start to communicate and talk about how you truly feel you can start working things out to the point where your whole relationship changes for the better. This will make it stronger where you're both feeling that the other one truly wants to work things towards goals and achieve the maximum potential as individuals and as a couple. At least you've noticed now is the time to sit down and work out a strategy and a plan of how the two of you can communicate best and work things out for your complete advantage.