You have chosen the Death card and the 3 of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future and never shows a Death of the physical self. It just represents that part of you is changing and you're going through some very big changes and life changing events. It's like a total transformation and the birth of a new you. This will be more spiritual and much more personal this time for you've found what you don't want from life and now you know what you're looking for. There's still lots to go through, it's very exciting, you're still on an adventure but don't block the changes that are necessary for your transformation. you've wanted this. It could be bumpy, it could be upsetting, it could be unsettling but you may need to leave behind the old patterns of behaviour and some of your old life that you may not want to let go of in one go but the 3 of swords is explaining this is a time for you to be creative for it also explains the reason you must move forwards is the 3 of Swords tells of your past. It has been difficult. You've had a lot to put up with and you've had your heart broken many times. This is time for you to look at mending your heart and putting yourself first for once and not going back to an unproductive situation that was sorrowful, upsetting and draining mentally, emotionally and physically. In fact if you're honest with yourself it drained you spiritually. you're now looking to leave that behind. That is a past card. The 3 of Swords is always a past, never about the future. It explains to you this has happened, it's over and it's time for this situation to come to a conclusion. All change is painful and difficult but you are strong enough and you want this enough to go on an adventure and look at the journey in which life will take you renewing everything and starting again. How exciting. It's time for a whole new you.