You have chosen the Death card and the 3 of Cups. Do not be alarmed, the Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self, just the Death of your old self, a part of you that is no longer necessary. This means you are in for some very big changes. in fact there are some life changing events going on around you. This is linked to a family gathering or some very close friends who you would consider as closest family members. There's been some celebrations going on and some joyful times but the intimacy is about to change. Perhaps this is a premature engagement, predicament, celebration and although this is probably ok, there has been a change which is testing the waters of the relationship of those concerned. You may be experiencing a breakdown in communication from people who are close to you where they are starting to have a change of heart. As a close family member or friend you're being asked your opinion. This may be difficult to come to terms with due to the fact that if you say what you truly think, once things are back on keel again, which I can assure you they probably will be, your opinion may not be thanked afterwards so it is time for you to keep everything quiet and to play your emotions close to your chest, not really revealing how you truly feel. It is just a hiccup. They'll sort it out amongst themselves, just chose to be supportive. The Death card is linked to the star sign Scorpio which is all about keeping everything in and being secretive and mysterious and value the other people's need for privacy. When asked for you opinion, you know the other person is very vulnerable so they are not really thinking straight when they're asking for your opinion. Be selective in your choice of words and try to find yourself opting out of a question that is difficult to answer with perhaps a question of your own. Deal with the situation with caution and pride, knowing that you are able to negotiate the best out of a difficult outcome.