You have chosen death and the 10 of Wands. The death card never signifies a death of the future or the physical self. It is a part of you that is changing. There are some very big changes and life changing events happening in your world. This is probably linked to physical actions particularly to do with work or your career. The 10 of Wands shows you've been working extremely hard, too hard. you've been carrying the complete burden and you can't see the woods for the trees anymore. This is because you've been too proud and independent to ask for any help. It's time now to go back and delegate. This burden has been too heavy a load for one person and you've suffered. This is because you lack trust in other people and you think that noone can do the job as well as you. Well you're poor physical body is worn out. you're no good for anything now. you're burnt out, you need to rest. You cannot think while you're feeling like this. You need to learn how to delegate and share some of the tasks, perhaps with a team. The responsibility you've taken for your actions and work has been far too serious and serious things happen to people who are too serious. This is why you've made yourself unwell but you really need to realise that you don't need to work this hard and you've been out of balance. Your body now needs to transform, it's time for massive, sweeping changes to come together and you know that you need to end stuff that's no longer viable or of any use to your life anymore. These changes may be hard for you to accept but you're just going to have to. It's time to get ready for the important. There's some new stuff coming into your world particularly linked with your actions and work. Stop dragging your heels and get on with the inevitable. You know you've got to clear the decks and start again and be totally honest with yourself. This is a complete overhaul. It's time to look at your actions and look forwards towards adventures and the comings and goings of the outdoors particularly when it comes to travel. If you give yourself time and not work so hard you can go and explore life as you want to. Use your enthusiasm towards your hobbies and the people around you. you're physically creative and you're very talented. Make sure that you spend the time doing that instead of seeing it as just a sheer slog of hard work.