You have chosen the death card and the 6 of Wands. The death card never shows a death of the future, just a death of an old self, a part of you that is changing. In face this is a time of very big changes. life changing events are never going to be the same again. You are going through some transformations. The 6 of Wands is telling you that at last, it's your turn. Victory is on it's way to you if it's not already here. You are travelling and continuing to succeed in anything you do particularly matters to do with work. Good news is also on the way to you. you're about to receive some news. It shows that you have achieved things with multiple success to do with your career or your knowledge or any applications of post that you have tried. Any interviews you are going for is a particularly good time. If you are thinking about promotion you will certainly do your best. This is a time for you to look at furthering on the education you wish because it is the perfect time to study to gain certificates of degrees, diplomas, the passing of exams - anything that involves the taking, the achievement of. This in indeed a time for you to realise that you have confidence and that if you care about what you do it is simply the application of a vow of study to something that you feel deeply about. It does not relate to being good at everything, only things that you care about. There is no point spending time trying to be enthusiastic about something that does not spark with you. For you in particular it is the transformation and realisation that if you care truly about a certain subject then you are probably going to excel beyond your wildest dreams and everybody around you trusts and believes that the outcome with you can only be one that is of excellent because you truly care, believe in what you're doing and this comes across. This is an excellent time for any new starts in business, matters of your career or anything that you want to turn your hand to, it is certainly time to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.