you have chosen the death card and the Queen of Wands. the death card never shows a death of the future, just the death of an old self. A habit or part of you that is no longer viable. It's a card of very big changes and life changing events and it's linked to the star sign Scorpio. This is all about birth and transformation coming into your life. You will indeed feel some very intense and powerful emotions. This is linked around your career for the Queen of Wands shows that you are someone who is loving and kind and your trust people. You're very outgoing, you have a sense of adventure. You're someone that wants to be on the move all the time, extremely hard working. This enterprising nature you have is indeed something that you should work on for you are good with people and animals and you're physically active and capable of gaining trust from those around you. If you're thinking of setting up a business, now is exactly the right time to strike but you must keep all your plans very close to your chest for the competition around is capable of outdoing you quicker than you are capable of outdoing them. It's time for you shine, you need to be recognised as special. You have charisma and you need an admiring audience to appreciate your efforts. This is not a time to hide your light under a bushel. You must be in the limelight. It's time to have the confidence to feel that you are fulfilling your potential at work. There's a personal destiny that must be pursued and you must seek the recognition that can be achieved through your cleverness. This is about the importance of self expression and describes the need to find a field of work in which your individual creative ideas can be given shape. As long as you feel connected to deeper rhythms of life you can penetrate into the fields of work where you can feel commitment towards material goals. You are sensitive and you need your privacy and your freedom. You must get on with the goals without any pressure or interference from anybody including your family and your employers. It is time to go solo.