You have chosen death and the Page of Wands. The death card never shows a death of the future or a death of the physical self. It represents transformation. It is a card of very big changes and life changing events. This is inked to your work or your materialistic side of life. It's about the comings and goings of the outdoors and the movement going on. This is a time of tangible adventure and things are changing. you're enthusiasm is growing and your creativity is increasing. you're physically creative and you should get involved in projects that have a skill such as carpentry, building, gardens, sports or cooking. The Page of Wands is bringing you messages from further a field. you're going on a journey. There's a very fixed focus here. You love to travel and now is the time to do so. you're going to have feelings of being an extrovert although you're usually someone who is quite serene. There's news of travel that's linked to people looking and listening to what you have to say. you're a very good communicator. you're capable of broadcasting information, news or selling in a very good way. The transformation you are going through is a big change. You need to cut your losses, clear the decks and start again. If you're honest you know that you need a complete overhaul. Don't client to the past move on, embark on something new. you're going through the end one stage of life and about to embark on another. It can be painful and difficult and scary and hard to accept changes in the world but you know this is leading to a brand new you and that you'll be stronger than ever. This is an important time for you. Embrace it. You may feel overwhelmed with powerful passions but don't underestimate them for they could take you by surprise. Keep things quiet and you will realise that you can play your cards very close to your chest then you can reveal the new you when you are ready for you are someone who is peace loving. When it comes to your career make sure that you're honest. Don't be secretive about your intentions to do well. Just make sure that you reveal just enough to the people who are important to know and keep the competition in the dark as to your plans and strategies for the future.