You have chosen Death and the page of swords. Do not worry for the Death card never shows a Death of the future or a physical Death. It just is part of you that's changed. it's the way the seasons change, everything dies and renews and reforms and a transformation takes place. So this is a card of very big changes and life changing events. Things will not be the same. Up to now you've been experiencing minor setbacks, things have been a general nuisance. Maybe there's been gossip in the air and lots of airheads getting in your way. It's been an irritable and annoying phase but you've realised that you've learnt a lot by going backwards and forwards but you've more to learn - sorry about that. We haven't yet gathered enough knowledge here. you've got to go a little bit further in your journey and your quest to find out more. You need to feel part of something which is creative and positive particularly when it comes to the environment. you're a natural reformer and you've got an ideal of how things can be particularly with your own potential but it needs to be developed, it's early days. You will work hard and you will be fulfilled in the sphere of work in which you feel that things are improving particularly when it comes to other people. Anything psychological, scientific or political is the best way forwards for you to feel satisfaction for you have fantastic ideas and you need to formulate them into something that's personal and that feels that your morals and ethics are followed and not just followed by acted upon. It's still early days. As long as you feel a connection with a deep level of life you can penetrate the secrets of what it is that you wish to follow but you're a little bit proud and intense sometimes. There has to be an emotional commitment, material goals just don't cut it with you. you're really sensitive and very good at non verbal forms of communication but you need your privacy and your freedom to pursue your goals without any pressure from an employer or your family.