you have chosen the death card and the Page of Pentacles. the death card never shows a death of the future, just the death of an old self. It is a card of very big changes. Life changing events are coming your way linked to your material life. This is a total transformation to do with the goods and possession that you have in your life in one way or another. This is a card where you have earned and worked for the money that gives you the choice and the freedom to explore the things you want to do. Everything for you will happen fairly slowly, you cannot rush these things for the Pentacle people deal with major finance and to do that you must invest experience. You always put your financial security first. You're quite rooted and earth bound. Seeing is believing for you but there is a message of a new financial opportunity coming your way which is a massive change from what you've been doing. You have to have fixed focus for this, which you do have and it may require that you learn ways to train and make more money. You're capable of very deep study whether you are young or old, you must educate yourself in order for this to work. You have to develop self esteem and an inner sense of authority where you methodically and patiently work slowly towards a position of responsibility. you need to feel that you're creating something that's lasting and will outlive you. You're most fulfilled in a sphere of work which allows you to exercise authority and to make some practical decisions which will improve the lives of others. This will not happen while you are young, you need to develop through the test of time. The older you get the more importance comes into your life for financial gain and there must be order and stability in order for you to make a practical and useful contribution to life itself so you're being asked to be patient and to realise that the value of things will indeed go up for you for it is a long slow patient haul towards education and experience that brings about the huge material rewards that you desire.