You have chosen the Death card and the 9 of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future, just the Death of an old part of us. It never shows a physical Death. It shows part of us that are changing. You are going through some very big changes and things have already started to change for you. This is life changing events where you are transforming into a new person. Somebody who is spiritually nourished rather than someone whose bogged down with material cares. you're turning your back on you're old way of thinking and you're realising that you have many sleepless nights due to the mental anguish you used to put yourself through. This was concerned to the paranoia and the fear of the result of what was happening around you. you're someone that always worried and thought that this would do lots of good. You had guilty feelings left, right and centre of things that were nothing to do with you. This is because you are a very emotional person and very passionate about feeling that you're doing your absolute best for your self and everyone else but you've realised it was no longer productive and that it's an outdated way of thinking. Guilt and worry do nothing. They are useless emotions. We need action and you've decided to move on to take action. you're changing. you're realising that life is not a dress rehearsal and you're making some very big changes. you've cut your losses and cleared everything up and you're starting again. You knew that you had to be very honest and sort this thing out. A complete rethink was totally necessary and you've realised that what was in the past is no longer productive to your future. These changes may be hard to accept for everything is new but you know that it's important for you to have moved forwards and to be more nourished spiritually and to not take on the materialistic worries of this world for if you look at it, you realise that you are holding back and not moving on at all and then a complete transformation took place and you've realised that you're now flourishing. Total transformation is making you into someone who is stronger and wiser.