You have chosen the death card and the 9 of Cups. Do not worry for the death card does not signify a physical death or a death of the future. It's just the death of an old self, a part of you that needs to change. In fact this is a time of very big changes, of life changing events. This is to do with the way you are thinking. There is a change in your circumstances. It has been a good time for you and you have been careful to make sure that you have been happy and contented with life but something changed. Perhaps beyond your circumstances and things are starting to look a little bit more difficult. You will have to make some changes and transformations. You are reaching the end of one stage and about to embark on something else. It shows that it has good potential and the growth is something there that can be developed, something new, something flourishing, but you need to cut your losses, clear out the old and in with the new. You have to watch things a little bit more carefully for drastic action is needed particularly on the home front and to do with matters of the heart. You can't go on fooling yourself any longer that things are fine, you must go through a total transformation in your life. You will emerge as somebody stronger and more courageous but it will probably be far from plain sailing. The changes that will take place may be difficult, especially if it is to do with the ending of something you are fond of. It is hard to accept changes but it is important that it leads to a brand new you. There are some major alterations yet to come, particularly with your one to one affairs. This will be difficult but you will reach a new understanding. It will be a time indeed of intense emotions and lots of passions rising. It is just simply the parting of the old making way for something else. You need to think things through now and find out what went wrong before. You need to take yourself in hand so that things do not get out of control. Do not let things pile up. Learn from lessons from the past.