You have chosen Death and the Knight of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. It's just a part of you that has changed. it's transformation. It's like a birth of a very new habit. This is a card of very big changes, of life changing events. It works in conjunction with the star sign Scorpio. It's things that you feel deeply passionate about, whether you love it or you hate it, you do so with a passion. It's time for a full change. You need to cut all your losses. It's time to start again. It's all about transformation and changes which are some very positive opportunities coming your way and you know if you're honest with yourself it was time for a complete overhaul. you've had to clear the decks and start again. Some of this may be quite difficult to cope with, it's never easy when change occurs. It's always hard to accept the new from the old but you know how important and necessary this was and going back to your old self would not make you feel any better for you wanted this for some time, it's just sometimes difficult while you're adjusting and possibly not quite what we'd envisaged or planned but you're quite shrewd and you'll yo yo backwards and forwards until you're comfortable. You know you need a little bit more knowledge and experience of life in order to feel comfortable with the adaptations necessary for you to grow. you're impetuous and you really do get bored easily so change for you is really good for the unpredictability is what you enjoy. Preferring your own company sometimes to that of others is because you know yourself well, therefore you don't waste time. You don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed or underestimated by anyone around you. Wherever you've got an emotional commitment your material goals will be satisfied for you cannot work towards a goal unless you feel empathy with the situation so you're moving on and you're becoming much more intense about the freedom to pursue your goals without the interference from anyone else. you're becoming more confident. This is really good.