You have chosen death and the Knight of Wands. The death card never, ever shows the death of the future or a physical self. It is simply the death of an old habit, a part of you that's changing. you're going through some big changes, life changing events are around the corner for you. This transformation is linked to your career. You are someone that needs adventure. This is all about the comings and goings and being out there. you're someone that needs to travel and move around. Your enthusiasm and physically creative side should bring you a very good living. For you are full of very good ideas but there is a gap in your wisdom. The Knight of Wands signifies that you must make some more travels and learn and educate yourself with knowledge and experience. The Knight of Wands is a moving and relocation card so you could be moving about. This may be a very big, important time to travel for your adventures take you into new actions and new enterprises associated with work but you must not reveal all your intentions to those around you. This is a time to play your cards close to your chest. don't under estimate anyone now for you could be taken by surprise, particularly by someone that you trust. Transformations that are on the way are about more confidence and establishing yourself within your working environment. It may be difficult and powerful to cope with this change for it's a card for anyone to emerge strong when they feel that everything around has changed. you'll have to cut your losses, clear the decks and start again and dust yourself down. Don't cling to the past, it's concentrating on the future that matters and gaining more momentum that ever before for knowledge is everything but experience and traditional values are what you're good at and this is how you will succeed the next step forwards up the career ladder.