You have chosen the Death card and the King of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. It means a part of you has changed, re-birth is happening. Big changes are on the way and life changing events where total transformation is necessary. This is dealt with with passion for the Death card works with the star sign Scorpio. You are someone who is intense when it comes to matters of the mind particularly with the intellect. This is to do with your career. There is a big change occurring within your work place. you're somebody who has worked extremely hard. you're very strong willed and you've made things happen. You know there's no such thing as relying on other people to do what you want, for what you want entails hard work, commitment and leadership. Some would describe you as sometimes lacking in emotion but that be on a demonstrative level within the relationship. Within the relationship to matters of work you are excellent for you are so strong willed and deeply focussed that you are able to cut like a knife and go exactly to the driving force of what is necessary to get the action done but possibly you've been feeling a little bit lonely and you've reached one stage of life and you're looking for something else. Now change may be difficult. It may be painful. It may be bumpy. After all, everything needs to move on and you've probably wanted this but the adaptations may not be as you expected for things never seem what we expect them to be. But persevere, as you will, for you know that it'll be worth it in the long run. It is simply a question of adjustment, experience, and allowing for the stimulation of new projects and plans to come to fruition.