you have chosen the death card and the King of Pentacles. the death card never shows a death of the physical self or a death of the future, it just means that you're in for very big changes, life changing events, where you feel that you're transforming or re-birthing into who you want to be. Linked with the King of Pentacles it shows that you're on to better times for you're moving your career in a positive direction. You're someone that likes materialistic gain and you like a lot of clutter. Because of this you are hard to get close to so emotionally you don't give much away. You hold a very high position of security and wealth and if you don't you are certainly working your way towards it very quickly. If you're not already at the top of your field you will be for this is all about financial security. You work extremely hard to make things materialise. You have a Midas touch. If you believe it and you take the time and the passion and the attention that is necessary to acquire this slowly you will gain anything out of what you've set your mind to. You are someone that should be in charge, indeed you should be the boss and running your own empire. It's all about a traditional approach for you. It's to do now with the goods and possessions in one way or another and the changes you are making about how you're earning your money for things are going to happen very slowly but surely for this is a card of major finance. You will be putting your financial security first and seeing is believing so you will not suffer fools gladly. You're quite rooted and earthbound from now on for you've realised that your potential is to work slowly and steadily towards the acquisition of a permanent value and that a stable material structure is worthwhile. You have to formulate your goals in time and find the direction. You will not be pushed by anybody and it doesn't matter. It must give you a sense of pride in making a solid and lasting contribution to your family or society for self sufficiency is everything to you. It is based on traditional values tested by time. You must have order and stability and a need to make a very practical and useful contribution to yourself and your loved ones.