You have chosen the Death card and the King of Cups. The death card never shows a death of the future or a physical death, it's just a representation of an old habit and part of your old self that is changing. It means the death of a habit. This is a card of very big changes, and life changing events. You're going through a transformation right now and it is indeed very emotional. The death card is linked to the sign of Scorpio which represents deep feelings. You are going on through life in an elegant manner. You are loving, caring and compassionate. If you have a partner around you, you're being very sensitive and trusting towards this person and learning to get in touch with your emotional side, you're mature beyond your years. This is because you're creative and loving and you're working out how to be in harmony with the people around you. This sensual sensitivity you have is showing that you're mastering the protection from unwelcome relationships and you're learning to select the joy of a selected relationship. You're learning to start to feel connected with the past and there's a history there. The emotional interactions that you've had with others has made you tougher than you appear. You're moving cautiously now towards new goals where you may not reveal to others until you're ready the success that you want. You'll feel more fulfilled in a field where you're interacting with another person where you feel that you're helping to preserve traditional values and roots in which you feel you're part of a family or a community. You're going deeper and deeper through endeavours which penetrate the secrets of human nature. You're very proud and intense. You'll be most fulfilled where there's an emotional commitment to material goals but your sensitive towards others. You need your privacy and your freedom in which you can move through life with the goals and intentions reflecting the importance of the relationships that gives you a closeness and a sharing. This has to be of the emotional and spiritual experience for you.