You have chosen Death and the 4 of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future and certainly it never shows a Death of the physical self. It is here to represent that an old part of you is changing and going into something new so it's an old habit you're leaving behind. you're now going through some very big changes and there's many life changing events to look forward to. It's the Death of the old you. You are now transforming yourself into someone who you really want to be. This is much more spiritual. You are going through a period where you're letting go of outdated modes of behaviour and getting rid of things that are no longer productive or worthwhile within your life. You know this has been necessary for some time and how important these changes are and how much you've wanted them but it does not mean that it will come easily. It may be painful. All change is disruptive and difficult and yet, if we go back, we're getting no where so we have to go along feeling a little bit afraid from time to time that we don't know exactly where this is taking us so it is time for you to contemplate and you're being asked to put your strength into reserve. This is a time for you to realise although changes are taking place you must take time out to adjust to this period. It is a time of rest. It is exhausting. It's time for you to do nothing. you're being asked to recover, to take some time off and to go somewhere that is a sanctuary for you to be alone with your thoughts and your feelings to recover and not be drained mentally, emotionally, or physically. It is an exhausting time and you've worked so hard but now is the time for you to take some solitude to go into a retreat and to lie down and recover. Bed rest is really good. Doing things where you can be alone with your hobbies or your own thoughts and emotions would be excellent. you're being asked to take the time to get used to the changes so they can come gently and not drain you. The changes are transforming you but each stage takes a little strength and we must recover that strength through rest and retreat. you're being asked to be at ease with your situation and to give yourself a little time for this adjustment period.