You have chosen death and the 8 of Wands. The death card never shows a death of the future or of the physical body. It's the death of a part of you. you're going through transformation you see and so this is a time of big changes where you emerge from it like a butterfly. There's life changing events going on in your world and lots of good things are coming your way. It's time for a total rethink, transformation and all change. If you're honest with yourself you know this has been necessary for some time. The 8 of Wands signifies there's a lot of movement going on right now. This is to do with air travel and work. Things are in mid flight. Things are going to happen fairly quickly, within a time frame of about eight weeks. This is also a card that can be linked to new love affairs coming into your world. Good news is definitely travelling fast to you. This is an overhaul of your whole life, particularly to do with your actions. It's a very positive time and things are happening rather quickly. This is all linked to actions and tangible adventures. It's about the comings and goings of the outdoors and lots of travel and movement, making your physically creative and hard working. It's time to rethink and go through a total transformation where you are ready to go on to the next stage of life. A new chapter is about to start. There's lots of new things coming in to your world and lots of changes taking place. This can be a little difficult to cope with because changes are going to happen fast but really and truly you will come out of this stronger, more courageous and happier for it's time for all these changes and to look at the past being full of problems and time to look towards your future instead. It's all about dealing with the intensity of feelings that you've had. Things like love and passion need to be sorted out so that you feel less intense and less emotionally involved. It's time for action. Things are going to happen. you're looking at new chapters and leaving behind the past and all it's problems.