You have chosen the Death card and the 8 of Swords. The Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. No. it is all about some very big changes and some life changing events where you're going to go through a complete transformation. It is time to look at what you want from your life and to be much more spiritual in the aspect of who you are. you're getting to know who you are and you know what you want and better still, you know what you don't want. So the 8 of Swords is about to change for this was the time where you used to restrict yourself. You were someone that got tied up in other people's worries and problems. You are only a victim of your own circumstances for you have such a needy nature that you needed to be involved in what other people felt was your help. You needed that but you realised that it mentally drained you and stopped you moving on. It was somewhere to hide. You knew that you wanted to sort out other people's problems and to be seen as someone who is kind, sympathetic and very kind to people around but you realise that you did not see your own life clearly and that you was simply avoiding looking at your problems and moving on forwards for your life by getting tangeld up in other people's troubles. This has been some sort of personal sacrifice for you for you've had to give things up but you've realised that this was necessary and that you've changed. you've cut your losses, you've cleared everything up and you've started again, well done. You were honest with yourself and you knew that you had to change everything instead of clinging on to these problems and these people who just stopped you moving forwards. It may be painful sometimes for you sometimes fear the unknown. There's so many changes going on and there's new people coming into your world where you're having to develop a trust and not to go back to your old ways of wanting to be an agony aunt to those who would let you. But you're realising that you're accepting the changes in your world and you're assuring yourself that this brand new you is concentrating on what you want and what you don't want and that you're moving in to a time where you do not feel it necessary to have people around you to feel that you like yourself.