You have chosen the death card and the Ace of Wands. The death card never shows a death of the future or a physical death, just the death of an old self, a habit. It is a card of very big changes, life changing events for you. Linked up with the Ace of Wands, this means there is new beginnings associated with work. This is usually to do with one, two or three people. This is a new offer in a new enterprise, it is a very good offer. It means there are big changes to do with work for you. This is a time of important, positive and far reaching changes for you. It's about an old habit or an old cycle of behaviour that you're about to transform or already have done. Sometimes change is difficult, particularly when it comes to work matters. You need to decide that moving forward is a very good thing. You know deep down that an overhaul and a change of everything is long overdue. It's time to look forward to the future and not to cling to our old or outdated modes of behaviour particularly when it comes to matters of your work or career. Perhaps you have been feeling confused or unhappy for some time and your ambitions or your aims in life have been static for some time. Now is the time for you to realise that possibly you were looking in the wrong direction. The Ace of Wands is telling you to seize the moment. This is a time of assertiveness, adventure and making your powerful statement in life. Be as enthusiastic as possible is definitely what is necessary to get you back on track. In fact you'll probably be very surprised at just how much you can actually do and how much you're actually capable of. Remember, we all create our own luck and the more you invest in the present, the more you are hopeful and positive about your investment in the present for the future. This is about speculating to accumulate, the more you pot in the more you'll receive back. It's all about making a fresh start. This will stop you feeling that you're stuck in the mud and in a rut and the encouragement and assurance that you will encounter from other people means that it has all been worthwhile for the opportunities around you become more and more so that you can pick and choose.