you have chosen the death card and the Ace of Pentacles. Do not worry, the death card never shows a death or a physical death of the future, just the death of a part of your old self, something that is making a very big change. This is a time of big changes and life changing events. This is to do with your finances and the Ace of Pentacles is explaining to you there is new financial opportunity which is indeed quite a wealth time. It signifies that you are in a lucky situation, particularly with wealth for golden opportunities are starting to come your way. It's time to get rid of the old and in with the new, a complete turn around - the old habits are gone. It is time to put full focus into all opportunities that are to your financial gain. It is a good time to increase your strength for a sense of security. That means investigating ways of making your money grow so security, comfort and material well-being are what you're after. It's getting on board with any new project or enterprises that will lead to success. It's got to be a passion with you and it's by sheer hard work and renewed effort that will bring in the reward. It's important to expect the changes that are about to take place. It may be difficult for all change it's necessary first to clear the decks and start again. If you're honest you know this has been necessary for a while, but let go of the past and all it's problems and look to the future. The more diligent and dutiful you are the better you will fare. It's time to show how responsible and reliable you will be. You've got to take your duties and obligations seriously and make sure that you're as ambitious in your attitude as possible. You've been working hard for you and it's time now to make a name for yourself. It's probably a case of making sure that you don't flit from one thing to another, it's seeing this through from the start to the very end and not getting very frustrated that you don't get a result as quickly as you would like. Use a practical approach and be as down to earth in your attitude as possible. It is after all the simplest of things that bring the greatest of pleasures particularly when it comes to money making matters.