Jera is the runic symbol of karma. What you put into your world will eventually come back to you. This is the rune of the harvest. In a positive reading, it indicates a time of reaping the rewards of efforts you have expanded. The repayment of money and favors will come now. This rune has jurisdiction over justice and legal issues. Drawing Jera should be a reminder that events take time. There may be delays regarding legal issues or finances or the home. (Especially if Nauthiz is involved.) In a mostly negative reading, Jera indicates that the problems can be alleviated with careful effort and possibly legal help. Paired with Isa, it indicates you will be paying for past misdeeds. Cast along side of Hagalaz or Nauthiz, this rune shows that you are following some path for which you are not suited.
This rune represents you opening up to new strength, energy, and power now. Kenaz is a rune of spiritual enlightenment and higher guidance. It shows good health. Keep a good, positive attitude. If your life has been stagnant, Kenaz brings news of an energetic change for the better. This rune is protective, it tells of good things coming into your life. This rune tells of you climbing out of a rut, it is a great time to start something new. Kenaz also represents creativity, it is a fantastic rune to draw if your are an artist or craft person. If the question is regarding romance, Kenaz represents starting new relationships or fresh starts to old ones. With Ansuz, Raidho, Perthro or Algiz, this rune represents the birth of an idea, something creative, something inspired. It can mean actual birth when paired with Inguz, Hagalaz, or Berkana. (Along side of Berkana it can also mean a burst of sexual activity.)
This rune indicates a time of standstills. A freeze in some situation. All your plans should be put on hold for a while. Wait for improved conditions or more enthusiasm before continuing on. Paired with delay runes, positive accomplishments are unlikely now. This rune (unless paired with negative runes) indicates temporary delays and frustrations. It may tell of a relationship cooling off. (Examine the runes surrounding Isa to see what type of relationship.) There may be bad feelings and resentments, possibly leading to separation. Problems with loyalty are indicated. Unless Isa is paired with reversed love runes, relationship problems will be resolved soon, but in a strongly negative runecast, the relationship or project is no longer salvageable and the advice of this rune is to move on.