Free Rune Readings

Rune 1 - Eihwaz

This is another rune of protection. Drawing this rune indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. There may be a slight obstacle, delay or minor problems. But it won't cause too much trouble so don't be too eager to move ahead. The obstacle or delay may very well prove beneficial, or it won't turn out too big. Look at the runes surrounding Eihwaz to determine if there is an obstacle and what it might involve. You should try to anticipate problems that may arise. The advice of Eihwaz is to be flexible, work with change. Use your imagination and turn any situation to your advantage. Eihwaz has been interpreted as having a tie to the past. It can mean that you will hear from someone from your past. Sometimes this rune is an indication that problems from your past that were not dealt with effectively will be returning. In a runecast including Ansuz or Jera, problems that previously had no answer will soon be solved. Though it hints at delays, Eihwaz is a positive rune

Rune 2 - Fehu

This rune represents earned income. It represents your career as well as your wealth, status and position. Fehu is a rune of success and attainment. Drawing this rune indicates that prosperity is coming towards you in some form. (often, but not always regarding money.) The type of gain will be indicated by the surrounding runes: With Berkana or Gebo for example, the source of gain will be through a personal relationship; along side of Raidho, the increases could be the result of a journey; with Othala it could be from a legacy or will. This rune announces the arrival of that which you have worked for. You will overcome opposition. The advice of Fehu is to keep with the plan you have already underway. If negative runes surround Fehu, the advice is to conserve what you have.

Rune 3 - Gebo

This rune refers to a partnership of some kind. Either business or love. Drawing this rune may mean an important development in a romantic relationship. This rune also indicates commitment and a gift of some sort. It may be an emotional gift of love or a material gift given just when you need it. Often Gebo is telling of a gift that binds a relationship, a gift that is a symbol of shared love. Generosity of some sort will be present. It usually indicates a time in your life that is full of peace and contentment. In a predominantly negative reading, Gebo may indicate that your problem is rooted within your emotions.

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