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Why Focus On The "What If" Question?

13th September 2018

All our life experiences are equally supported and challenged to create in us greater awareness of "What could be? Or what is possible?”  Depending on where one is now or where one would like to be, the question of "What if?" becomes our focus and intention .The separate fearful mind will bond us to being powerless and confused. This diverts our thoughts to creating an ever ending deal of frustration and adversity to what is.

Limitation creates safety and risk free actions, but with limitations, life becomes dull and less interesting. But as one awakens, one perceives themselves as not alone and separate from their good. Instead, one becomes aware that they are in the process of becoming more. To have more or better, it would be wise to change their focus to "what is", not to "what could have been". The "what if" question takes our attention away from addressing our issues which adds to non action, procrastination and powerlessness. As one awakens, it becomes less fearful in taking action and their attention and focus is directed to taking action in reaching their objectives is their main aim. 

Daily growth happens when we are equally supported and challenged. The spiritual journey is equally supported and challenged. Part of our life experiences is new discoveries and new perceptions, then having the wisdom to act on them. This is how we can verify and confirm our action taken and the result achieved. Since I have started to see that my challenges are God’s good to help me grow and the feeding of love are God’s loves encouraging me to believe everything is possible. A new deeper sense of gratitude and understanding enters my mind and is experienced by my heart. Being connected to my inner direct knowing through feeling nature, gives me confirmation of knowing when to act, when to build and when to wait. This sensitivity allows me to become aware of the ever growing support and challenges that keep me on the upward path to true awareness. 

For me, "the what if story" keeps my attention in the past which keeps the "law of attraction" attracting obstacles to what I desire in this NOW moment.  As I dwell in the "what if story" my attention and focus is diverted into creating confusion and lack of clarity.  So as we embrace the true path to greater awareness we see the good in all circumstances and accept all life experiences as learning experiences. If we stand back from the screen of life, we will notice that our focus of attention is based on egotist conflict, where we see ourselves as separate from "All That Is" and our good. The simple fact is our minds are at the stage where we are entertained by the diversity of false egotist conflicts as a form of entertainment. From the first time, we start to observe life at the very young age; we are lead into the trap of the ego. False truth is then accepted as truth and runs in the background. Add to this, the "what if" question, including all the times we put our focus of attention to that question, which is now stored within the subconscious mind creating blocks from our true desired life experiences.

When we live in the "what if?" question we have no new experiences as we become blocked. Our focus of attention blindly leads us into absorbing false truth, which is accepted by the subconscious mind as our truth. Our true consciousness is denied and the destruction of truth of the child of spirit begins. No longer do we get to know the inner" Divine intelligence" within, so we do not develop the ability to access our true power. Instead, we create a destructive consciousness as the false anti truth that gives power and hides from us our true reality as co-creator of "Father-Mother God of All That Is". 

If we look at the lies and the falsehood perception that are carried out in the name of relaxation and a sense of being who we are, like TV films, plays, media materials which keep our attention and bond us to the limitation of who we have become. It would be better to focus our imagination and use the power of our wisdom and rise above who we are now to become our future selves where love, peace and joy are our focused. Not only is our attention firmly on a destructive conscious form which when seeded within our consciousness create feelings which we claim as our own and misinterpret the guidance within this feeling that are produced within our body. We have allowed our focused and attention to be consistently diverted to watching and filling our minds with entertainment that desensitized the mind allowing the emotional fears and subsequent vibration frequencies to become real within our lives. So as the mind keeps the "what if" question open, we can escape for a couple of hours experiencing the answer to our "what if" question. 

Just take a brief look at our media and our focused that is directed to it on a daily basis. Now, ask the question "Why do we give so much power to what invested interest want to keep our attention on?” Taking into account the "Law of Attraction" what you habitually focused on, you invite into your co-creator mind by your attention to it. There is little doubt that someone in your community or country will be experiencing the very same situation as real. Remember, what you watched on TV or what you focused on TV is implanted into your subconscious mind as real. Now I have a question for you and is simply this, "Why do we ask people aspiring to know love, to be love and to express love, allow our attention to be consistently kept on full gross mental heavy ideas or pictures, story lines and concepts?, that create fear. The" what if" question lives on fear and not facing reality, which in a way is deflection of dealing with our present issues. This causes us to live in the past and prevents new experiences. We, as people are in the midst of a paradigm shift in consciousness. A time is coming when people will rise up with one voice to not support such horrific, disgraceful use of imagination and instead, realize that what we focused on, we give invitation to expand ideas, concepts, ideologies that come into our lives and create fear, pain, anguish, distress and these visit us and our children.

A while ago, I wrote an article called "Body Wisdom".  In that article, I was stating that "it would be wise to listen to your own body wisdom within the silence as you meditate". I have found that the ability to communicate with your own body wisdom gives you the advantage to utilize greater wisdom than the conscious mind has to offer. The conscious mind offers data, at best other people data that you accept as truth. So the question I have for you today is "Do you really know who you are?" also "Have you ever tried to find out who you are?”  If you decide to ask this question, I would ask you not to ask somebody else but to ask your inner self within the silence. Before I started my own spiritual journey, I was confused to the distinction to be discovered between the ego and the real self. The ego will always focus its attention on the "what if" question instead of question on solving the present challenge coming into our awareness. In the beginning of my journey, I studied a book called "A Course on Miracles"; it was the first step to lasting freedom. This first step allowed me to adjust my mind set. After many years of studying the course, certain realization started to take place within my life. So I meditated on the following questions for several weeks.

Question: What is the primal distinction to be discovered between "one's real-self? and the ego?" In other words, who is the "real self"? The next question I asked was; if everything is an illusion? What was real and authentic? My own ego would always ask the "what if" question. So if we keep our focus on the illusion, the illusion gets bigger and more real. Our focus on the "what if" keep us living in the illusion. I felt that such a view can't really escape dualism at all. This is where I saw and experienced conflict within myself. Now for me, conflict was evidence of lack of true peace and a degrading of what real love is.  The real love is all encompassing so I choose not to be stuck in contradiction. With meditation, I expanded my consciousness and accelerated my awakening which opened other spiritual gates to the vastness of my soul. Then the soul through an expanded -consciousness allowed me to awaken and understand my life purpose and divine nature.  It becomes necessary to awaken from the dream of the dreamer itself. The mind has the choice about what it chooses to think of what is reality. The "what if" will never happen for the next moment for NOW is a new moment. But what about what I feel? By focus attention and meditation on everything through the belief of metaphysical conclusion that "it all unreal" creates false reality. I am very much fused to a dream made by an internal sense of the dreamer.

What about the real reality of love? This then allow me to ask, how could love be a dreamer? For love is not separate. Love is real. With this realization, I felt a presence; a strange feeling of love was experienced within my body (This truth set me free). I realized that a belief created by the conscious mind which is based on fear and is the corner stone of what is seen and felt, is not real or illusion was erroneous. The fact that we state that object, people, things and experiences or ideas are illusion that draw our focus to them, which expands them and it does become a reality through "The Law of Attraction" (What you believe and expect is).

Thought patterns that that are focused on the "what if" question cause dilution of our life experiences which can become permanent. They keep us living in the past, avoiding this NOW moment and our new experiences which do not allow for new perceptions and discoveries. By only depending on the conscious mind which stores data that is obsolete, we ignore our Superior mind (Christ mind). This limits us from accessing the "Super Conscious Mind" which is available to all. This "Super Conscious Mind" gives access to all who attain the awareness within themselves of their oneness to "All That Is". It is little wonder when we have a resistance to change our beliefs, ideologies and our accepted truths that any new wisdom emerges. Resistance to change keeps false assumption as our truth and limits our power. The "what if" story creates a blockage to learn from the past actions. It used to be said "that knowledge was power", but what is now taking place is wisdom. For what is knowledge without wisdom? We must know what to do with the knowledge that we have acquired and we must utilized this knowledge for all.

As children growing up, we accepted truth from those people who we depended on such as parents, brothers and sisters and closed relatives. These experiences are held in the subconscious mind. Our truth was clouded by their beliefs and their habitual pattern of thoughts, which we generally accepted as our own without ever testing. Recently there has been published new article relating to how the mind works. It is now generally accepted by the visionary community of innovative and new thinkers that "reality is a by product of our beliefs, attitudes, habits and what we pay attention to". With this new understanding, it beholds us to redefine our habitual patterns of thought and ideas based on our own perception. Empirical data is not enough. New perceptions and new discoveries always change the paradigm of our beliefs system in which we operate.  Politics and economical shifts change our perception. In some point in our lives, we are faced with certain challenges. It would be wise to not allow the separate mind to focus on the "what if" question. Instead, ask the question for the purpose of solving the question of what is in your own awareness now which will create a desire for new wisdom. With new discoveries and perceptions we are able to overcome particular blockages. You must remember that modern science is now looking at reality creating as a product of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs manifesting as our truth. The "what if" question will makes us powerless and stuck.

Mass mind reality creation is the collective level where the whole world is at as a whole. But there is an individual level of consciousness which can be developed and improved. This type of consciousness is developed by meditation and mastering your thought and associated feeling. The more people that engaged in the practice of meditation and developing within their own consciousness a knowing that we are all from the same source called LOVE. Our focused of attention will not choose to entertain thoughts, ideas, ideologies, beliefs that create fear instead our focused of attention will demand with one voice that we stop creating deficient thoughts through our books, films, plays and entertainment in general. Instead our entertainment and our focused and attention will incorporate ideas, ideologies and beliefs that instil peace, joy and freedom. We will elect politician that create a focused on joy, peace and freedom. At the moment, our TV depicts violence which acts within our subconscious mind and bonds us to attracting these into our very own lives. Remember, our newspapers, all our media keeps our attention bonded to the concept of imperfection and creates the vibration of fear.

For example, our minds are bombarded with violence, death, pain, guilt, torture and explicit behaviour that create fear and lodges within our body system at the core of our being. This bonds us to the limitation and imperfection that we presently have and creates a continuance for more of the same that gives invitation for more of the same to come in to our lives and our children's lives. Let us ask the question "what if we could change this situation?” We would put our focus and attention on these problems. Have the courage to act and reap the reward for living in the NOW moment. So it would be wise to start focused on the higher form of entertainment, ideologies and perceptions which is love, joy and peace.

God is coming into the world in a new way. He will reveal himself in all of us as we are all in the Diamond Heart of God where all facets are of the one substance called LOVE. All are equal and all have equal potential to manifest heaven on earth. We have free will to not focus on deficient ideas and thoughts which were introduced into the world from the beginning of time. "I am All That I Am" lives within us and through our being. We are starting to conduct His power all around us. God is Love, Wisdom and Truth and you will know the manifestation of the LOVE within your own consciousness by these virtues. There is nothing greater than love, wisdom and truth, for these principles is the cornerstone of developing a NEW consciousness within you. God's love brings forth life, His wisdom brings forth light and His truth brings forth freedom that destroys fear. It would be wise to merge with the love nature of God being, as without merging we create separation which leads to fear. The path we walk in life leads only to love and when we are filled with God's love our bodies becomes shining, majestic and invincible. To support this paradigm shift, it would be wise to start your own spiritual journey so you are ready to receive within your own knowing and own consciousness the knowing that "you are one with all life" and "all that is" and that your very nature is LOVE.

Life is a journey of experiences, so when faced with curve balls and challenges you ask yourself several questions. Why are these situations and personal experiences coming into your awareness now? Why are these challenges being given to you to solve? If you solve these challenges could it be that you invited in these experiences to give you deeper awareness of yourselves to others? As when you solve your particular set of challenges you can pass on your direct experiences on such matters and create greater awareness of how you solved and address your own focus and abilities to cultivate solutions based on direct perceptions of your own inner inventiveness and guidance received from your own inner teacher. The Christ intelligence working in your thoughts and feeling and directing your God given abilities to solve these problems has now become your service to others. For your own resilience, determinations and stead fast ideas has now fully manifested to create greater awareness and wisdom to solve such problems for everyone who has the good sense to attract your power of understanding and advice.

The ruling authority of the ONE consciousness is able to receive the perfect truth. Consciousness is all pervasive (everything/everywhere) and is all there is. There is no force that could be against it. So there is no Devil or Satan but the imagined thought forms that we as co-creators of God in training co create within our fearful separate mind. This all encompassing universal consciousness is individualized in you. There is no separation really but a perceived guilt that bonds us to our imagined thoughts. SIN is but a perceived separation, which we undergo due to the implant of fear within our consciousness on our descent to the physical plane.

As a result, our conscious mind accepts (SIN) Separation, Illusion, Negativity, and this creates the personality or ego through the universal "law of attraction". As our focused attention is trapped in illusion, we examine the "what if" story that we will become aware of the dreamer living in their own dream, which is not real or ever could be real. It then keeps co creating the imagined thoughts that are deficient fearful and lack the feeling of presence of love, because of the unconditional aspect of the principles of love we receive what we focus on. So the love of power creates separation. This focuses on an elite group holding the power. But the power of love sets you free. None the less because of free will and the principal of love we choose to co create unwisely. The EGO from the moment of its inception bonds to limitation and the perceived lack of wisdom of the soul.  As a result the human being allows for a perceived separation and a limited perception of the world, and its own soul ability to manifest its greatness.

With our limited consciousness, and lack of awareness we go through life needing to defend the separate Ego. Call itself (small) or false self or anti-Christ. This self consciousness has free will and the ability to choose thoughts, feelings and action based on beliefs and accepts truth.  If it chooses to live in and give energy to the "what if" story, it will make us powerless. When these choices which are placed under your direct conscious control, you create your reality. Since reality is always been created with deficient thoughts due to the absence of unconditional love, we have societies and countries that do not share the wisdom and the knowledge for the good of all. Instead, there is a monopoly of power which is passing down through families and those connected to those who have power.

The whole universe is a makeup of different frequencies focused by universal consciousness into patterns of vibration. Therefore, thought itself is a form of vibration your consciousness is within and is an indivisible part of all consciousness (God). The direct link from your individualized self (God) consciousness is within you. In order to gain entry, it would be wise to meditate. And within the silence you will become aware of the presence within all life. To understand the creative power of your consciousness and of universal consciousness will lead you to understand the real cause of all that effects you in your life. Your choice of belief, thought, intention and emotion create your reality. To have anything you decide to do and in order to do anything, you must be present in the NOW moment. "THE WHAT IF QUESTION KEEPS ONE A SELF IMPOSED PRISONER". To be or not to be that is the question. How you are, depends upon what you think what you believe what you feel and how you allow feeling to guide you. And these are all within your ability to choose what is resonating with your feelings which is within you.

But too often our focus is on worrying and using our imagination on creating the fears of the past and re-inventing new and more unwanted things into our lives. The "what if" story diverts our focus of attention away from "what is" and the action which cause it. The constant eternal action of all life is creativity. Life is always creating new forms and experiences through the" laws of metaphysical cause and effect". The "law of attraction" works from a point of attraction based on love, and the awareness of love that you feel within yourself. We perceive and relates to the outer world through the outer objective mind. This is the conscious mind, with this mind we uses logic and reasoning, thinking chooses and forms certain conclusion based on what our belief and past collection of data allow us to conclude.

This becomes our truth, but may not be the truth for everybody. On the other hand, with meditation, we relates to the inner world or subjective mind from a point of knowing through the feeling nature which acts spontaneously and reaches awareness through intuition and heart sense. This leads to self knowing. The inner pathway is a process where there are challenges including beliefs, belief systems that it would be wise to examine. Then, when necessary through direct experience have the courage to make the required changes for the better. So truth is always changing. Now the greatest change in mankind is now taken place whether you are aware of it or not.

"I am That I Am" created you, sustains you and dwells within you as the pure self. It is this known from the conscious point of view that allows you to experience the second birth. "Unless a man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Jesus has been reported in saying.). Usually before the second birth the soul goes through the dark night of the soul. This happens as it forces the individual to consider what truth is for then. The" what if" question allows us to live in what could have been, might have been, but it deflect our focus and attention away from what is. Giving time and energy to what could have being is a waste of life experiences. Taking action knowing when to take action, how to take action will come from the resonance of truth felt within our heart, mind and body. Here there is no separation. 

The whole world is in the progress of an awakening to a new reality of our true being. There is a light emerging from within everybody's heart. This light is the light of the world and announcing an inner teacher or presence which is in the progress of birthing a new consciousness and at the same time preparing each of us for a paradigm shift. Our focused of attention will begin to shift from what we presently pay attention to, leaving the "what if" question out of our focus. Instead, we will deal with "what is".  We will start to support a new understanding of how the world really operates and this understanding will emerge as truth.

If you feel powerless and confuse, stuck in life or unable to move on, call me and I will provide the wisdom you seek. The strong possibility of finding peace is before you. This journey is achievable, for I am in the process of it. The NEXT STEP is yours. You can experience these same divine truths within yourself. If you would like to know and experience more call me. My name is Thomas and my PIN is 500126

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